Simple and pleasant design, wide but not bulky, the main points of ZILFOR Wall units: designed to always have everything in order inside the dentist’s cabinet. They can be simple elements for the storage of consumable materials, both practical and hygienic suspended units supplied with containers and dispensers for disposable products.
L / W 53 - P / D 13,5 - H 53
Hanging unit equipped with automatic soap, napkins, gloves, mask and glass distributors
L / W 53 - P / D 13,5 - H 53
Hanging unit equipped with napkins, gloves, mask and glass distributors
L / W 53 - P / D 13,5 - H 53
Hanging unit equipped with automatic soap, napkins, gloves, mask and glass distributors and mirror
L / W 100 - P / D 30 - H 50
Wall unit with sliding plate-glass and 2 shelves
ZILFOR has always relied on colours in order to guarantee the customer the opportunity to figure out how to customize his own space. The RAL scale make it possible to choose any shade for the dental cabinets.